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Saving energy in the hotel and restaurant

The current sharp rise in energy costs is hitting the hotel and gastronomy business hard. What measures can be taken to reduce the energy consumption? We show you nine quick wins for gastronomy.

by Julia Vießmann

1. Switching off the ventilation during the night

Ventilation systems are rarely used in an energy-efficient manner. However, by reducing the operating hours and instructing your staff on how to operate the ventilation step switch, you can effectively save energy. The following practical tips will help:

  • Kitchen: Switch the ventilation system to the lowest setting in the morning. Increase to the next higher ventilation level when cooking begins and return to the lowest level when cooking is finished. Do not use a permanent basic ventilation.
  • Restaurant: Adjust the ventilation system according to your workload. When the load is low, the ventilation system should run at a low level and when it is higher, it should run at a slightly higher level. Here, too, avoid permanent basic ventilation and turn off the ventilation about half an hour before closing.

2. Adjusting the ventilation systems

In many cases, the air flow rate is too high and the rooms are ventilated too much. In winter, this results in dry air and excessive power consumption of the ventilation system. Check periodically for proper heat recovery. You can also adjust the air flow rate of the ventilation system to the required air volume via the step switch or the frequency converter. Likewise, check whether the plates of the exchanger are contaminated. Further tips for practical implementation:

  • Reducing the air volume: Reduce the air flow rate gradually. If the air becomes stuffy, you can increase it again. Set the regulation set point to 900 ppm with the carbon dioxide sensor.
  • Heat recovery: If grease or dust has accumulated on the blades, clean the heat exchanger with water to ensure proper operation.

3. Replacing the filters of ventilation systems

Old, dirty filters increase the energy consumption needed to achieve optimum airflow. For this reason, filters of ventilation systems should be replaced annually, preferably after the fall. Enquire about energy-saving filters and check whether the filter categories used meet your needs. Often filters of a lower category are sufficient, which also have a lower energy consumption.

4. Turning off the heating in summer

If your hot water generation is separate from your building heating system, you should turn off your building heating system completely in summer. This not only saves electricity in your establishment, but also reduces standby losses of the heating system. Likewise, you prevent the automatic switching on of the heating at temporarily lower outdoor temperatures. This energy-saving measure also contributes to a longer service life of the installations. Also note the following:

  • Check whether the heating is turned on in spring. Switch to summer mode or turn it off completely if it is not needed for the hot water boiler.
  • With the heating deactivated, check the heating pumps by hand. If they vibrate slightly, then you should turn them off as well.

5. Setting the heating limit

Heating limits that are set too high or heating systems that are active in summer consume vast amounts of energy. As a rule, the heating system should only be on when the building actually needs to be heated. Therefore, check directly in the heating controller or during warm temperatures in spring, whether the heating is still running. If the pipes in the distributor are warm, then the system is still in operation. Set the heating limit during regular maintenance as follows: older buildings at 16 °C, new buildings at 12 °C and new buildings with a lot of glass at 10 °C.

6. Replacing inefficient heating pumps

In most cases, heating pumps are not replaced until they are defective. However, the power requirements of old pumps are significantly higher than the procurement costs of a modern, flow-controlled pump. They consume up to 70% less energy. So, check the age of your heating pumps. If they are older than six years, replacement should be given consideration. Keep the following aspects in mind:

  • Replace your old heating pumps with pumps that have electric control or with high-efficiency pumps. Have the pumps exchanged while your business is closed.
  • Also check if your old valves should be replaced as well.

7. Switching off the lighting

Your neon signs, advertising banners and shop windows are illuminated even late at night? This does not only contribute to increased electricity consumption, but also to higher light pollution and increases the need for cleaning windows and lights because of insect dirt. To reduce these costs, you can install a time switch or daylight sensor, or manually turn off the lights every day.

8. Installing motion sensors

Hallways, corridors, underground garages or technical rooms often consume a lot of electricity unnoticed and unintentionally. To address this issue, consider which rooms are primarily used as passageways and how they are lit. By installing motion detectors and setting the brightness and switch-off time correctly, you can save a lot of energy in your company.

9. Converting lamps to LED

Replace old and inefficient light bulbs regularly. For example, halogen lamps consume a lot of electricity in highly frequented places, but they are not replaced because of their long service life. Check which lamps you have installed and replace halogen lamps that run for more than two hours a week with more efficient and equally long-lasting LED lamps.

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