Our Values

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our values

We shape Responsibility

BHS tabletop takes on economic, social and environmental responsibility – both now and for future generations. Our goal is to responsibly and sustainably carry the commercial success and stability of BHS tabletop into the future.

Our commitment to the location of Germany reflects our social responsibility. We safeguard jobs and support our employees. Sustainable economic activity and modern environmental management are firmly anchored in both our processes and our code of conduct. We are mindful of sustainable criteria when selecting our partners.

ouR values

We are committed to conserving the natural resources provided by our planet as much as possible. In more general terms, we undertake to preserve our living environment. This is not always easy when operating in an energy-intensive industry. Nevertheless, we are constantly working on making our impact on the environment more acceptable as well as reducing it.

Respect for Nature

We are committed to using the natural resources that our planet provides us with as sparingly as possible. But also, in general, to the preservation of our living environment. That's not always easy when you're in an energy-intensive industry. But we are constantly working to make our environmental footprint more compatible and better.

A Culture of Change - Innovation lies outside of the comfort zone

Only those with the courage to break away from trusted ways of thinking and come up against resistance are rewarded with new ideas and solutions. Nothing distinguishes our company more than the willingness to change and be different. That sounds like a rather burdensome task, and it is. This starts with our organisation, which is constantly adapting to new requirements,

opening up to new business areas, partnerships and technologies. Added to that is the fact that everyone in our company has ample opportunity to put his or her ideas forward and help us change.

The Core Element of our Company Culture - Respectful Conduct

These days, many companies put forward an entire code of values. Our company culture can be outlined by just one value. It is characterised by a fundamental attitude which is best captured by the word ‘respect’.

We have respect for people who work with us and for us. We respect their work, commitment and loyalty. And we also have respect for their individual differences, which is paired with a willingness to encourage them and further their training. This is also part of our responsibility as an employer. In our work environment, mutual respect lays the foundation for an openness that facilitates fair

cooperation. It allows creative blocks to be overcome, both in our minds and within our organisation. We share our expertise and cooperate with one another – from the company management to each individual employee. We do not perceive mistakes as failure, but as opportunity. They shine a light on our weaknesses and often point to new paths leading to innovation and improvement.

Ausgezeichnet – mit dem VBG-Präventionspreis

Für die BHS tabletop zählen die Mitarbeitenden zu ihrem wichtigsten Gut. Neben einem respektvollen Umgang spielt der Arbeitsschutz unserer Mitarbeitenden eine besonders große Rolle. Bereits seit vielen Jahren lassen wir den Arbeitsschutz regelmäßig überprüfen. 2022 wurden wir mit dem alle zwei Jahre verliehenen VBG-Präventionspreis in der Kategorie „Organisieren und motivieren – Sicherheit“ ausgezeichnet.


Our principles

Our company culture is marked by our unwavering willingness to improve. Our employees are our most valuable pool of ideas, and that’s why we honour every suggestion.

We don’t perceive mistakes as failure, but as an opportunity to learn and do things differently and better.

Ideas come to the surface when different departments work together. That’s why we cultivate a culture of open doors – this allows us to learn and progress.

Our leadership team is responsible for supporting employees and providing a framework for a successful working environment.


Our conduct towards one another is characterised by honesty, respect and fairness. Mutual recognition and constructive criticism allow us to increase our productivity.

We keep our promises. We place strong emphasis on correct and conscientious execution in all tasks and services.

Every employee has a high level of personal responsibility. We actively share our knowledge and information. We cooperate with one another and rely on self-monitoring.

Effort pays off. Good ideas are regularly rewarded.